Direction & Costume Design......Dane Eissler

Production Design......Marie Laster

Technical Direction & Sound Design......Chris Sannino

Camera Ops......Taj Rauch, Chris Sannino, & Dane Eissler

Video Editor: Taj Rauch

Production Assistants......Kayla Bowe, Abby Leyh, & Molly Brook Moore

Starring Damien J. Wallace

with Niya Colbert

Produced by EgoPo Classic Theater, 2020

Wallace & Eissler reset Dostoyevsky's 19th century existential masterpiece to the virtual world of contemporary Philadelphia.  "Und3rgr0undM4n" hid in the shadows, having withdrawn from society after the MOVE Bombings, uploading his memories onto his secretive blog site, UND3RGR0UND.  One day, audiences received a friend request from the Und3rgr0undM4n on social media, and then an anonymous electronic invitation to enter his digital - and mental - world.  The further they delved into his fractured psyche, the closer he comes to confronting his own traumatic past as a Black man in America.  And then, he sent a video link to his unmasking...

"It’s a strong, unapologetic work of political theater [...] The use of multiple media channels 

to build the work’s narrative is an ingenious way to engage with the hybridity 

of theater at this moment." -Broad Street Review

Watch the public correspondences from Und3rgr0undM4n