Direction......Melanie Stewart

Text......John Clancy

Stage Management......Mackenzie Trush

Starring Kylie Westerbeck & Dane Eissler

Produced by Blind Faith Theatre

Presented in the Cannonball Festival 

as part of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival

On a bare stage, using only props supplied by a demanding and impatient master of ceremonies, a young woman must justify her continuing survival and prove her worth, her right to exist. Is she a beauty queen? An obedient dog? A willing lover or a wanton whore? What is the combination or the key to unlock the cage she exists in, she has been born in - and she will die in - if she cannot escape? A rigorous and playful study of status and the eternal male/female dance/duel, Just Like Hollywood examines the invisible but all-encompassing prison women are raised in and taught to accept, if not embrace.

Photos: David Cimetta