Direction......Sam Price

Production Design......Dane Eissler

Lighting Design......Kara Grimm

Monkey Design......Catherine Woods

Sound Design......Patrick O'Brien

Stage Management......Storm Hooten

Featuring two casts:

Cast A: Dane Eissler and Tyler Garamella

Cast B: Lara Anderson Dohner and Madeline Lauzon

Produced by A Dead Whale Productions

A dynamic duo find themselves surviving the apocalypse... but just barely. Tied together for safety, they are nearing wits end with each other as they scour their scorched home in search of contact and food. It looks like dinner time when they find a freshly dead monkey at the zoo, until they drop the monkey onto their radio... and they suddenly hear a voice on the other end. This Mad Libs-style play saw rotating casts play themselves as they explored themes of fanaticism, friendship, and the confrontation of ideas amidst desperate times.

Photos: Claire Kane